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Welcome to Follow Big Fish

At Follow Big Fish, we believe that successful investing is not about chasing every trend or relying on luck. Instead, we have pioneered a unique concept in stock investment – following the big whale. In the stock market, the big whale represents major shareholders, such as directors and substantial shareholders, who have extensive knowledge and experience.

Our mission is to empower investors by providing them with access to valuable information about the transactions and earnings of these influential shareholders. We have developed a cutting-edge SAAS platform that accumulates data on major shareholders’ transactions, calculates their earnings, and presents it to our users in a user-friendly format.

With our platform, you can easily identify the big whales whose investment decisions are worth following. Our leaderboards showcase the top-performing shareholders, giving you real-time insights into their transactions. You no longer need to spend hours studying market trends or relying on tips from unreliable sources. By following the big whale, you can gain a competitive edge in the stock market and potentially maximize your returns.

Join us today and become part of the Follow Big Fish community. Let’s navigate the stock market together and unlock the potential for success by following the big whale.

Discover How Follow Big Fish Empowers You to Make Informed Investment Decisions

Our platform aggregates and analyzes transactional data from major shareholders, including directors and substantial shareholders. We provide comprehensive reports and analytics that help you understand their investment patterns, earnings, and strategies. By leveraging this valuable information, you can make well-informed decisions that align with the moves of the big fishes.

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Follow Big Fish

Explore major shareholder transactions, earnings, and investment patterns to make informed investment decisions.


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Follow Big Fish has completely changed the way I approach stock investment. I’m now able to make more informed decisions by following the top shareholders. It has definitely boosted my portfolio returns



The real-time notifications feature is a game-changer. I no longer miss out on important moves by the shareholders I’m tracking. Follow Big Fish keeps me in the loop and helps me seize investment opportunities.



I’m impressed with the comprehensive data analytics provided by Follow Big Fish. The insights and trends I uncover have been instrumental in shaping my investment strategies. It’s a must-have tool for serious investors.

Embrace the Future of Stock Investment

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Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of the stock investment revolution. Join Follow Big Fish today and gain access to a wealth of knowledge and tools that will transform your investment strategy. Stay ahead of the competition, follow the big whales, and unlock your true investment potential.

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Ready to take your stock investment to the next level? Unlock a world of profitable opportunities. Don't miss out on gaining insights from major shareholders, receiving real-time notifications, and accessing comprehensive data analytics. Join us now and swim with the Big Fish in the stock market.


Follow Big Fish

Malaysia Stock Market